DBP Harrison: The cat laying inside my Genghis Messenger from Bedouin Foundry
fixotic: jijizo
soradical: Spock
tuffcakes: are you kidding me?
tuffcakes: i live with this shit
silverfuture: IMG_0335
silverfuture: IMG_0345
tuffcakes: sultry or sleepy?
tuffcakes: tucked in
k.steudel: Well,
g ∀ r y: cat getting into a bag
Isabel Wang: Cat in a bag
Isabel Wang: Cat in a bag
gussielou49: messenger cat
Oxalis37: August 2007
philipjohnson: PLoS cat
chromewaves: 20070403-simon
Too Many Notes: jules messenger bag tent
37prime: Meat Loaf in The Bag
monsterpartyhat: Zugster Bags #045-5
monsterpartyhat: Nijinsky in the bag liner-8
monsterpartyhat: Nijinsky in the bag liner-7
monsterpartyhat: Nijinsky in the bag liner-3
monsterpartyhat: Nijinsky in the bag liner-2