stelio_B: papers
antifa: Guerrilla of the town ... on the wall !! Πλωμάρι, Λέσβος Findlay Market Parade, Cincinnati, OH Ano Poli, Thessaloniki, GR
isidoros_76: Maybe I'll have to sit here...
_a|exia: _the line begins to blur.
Sphinx55: Sawwas, der in der in kleinen Insel spatziert
Sphinx55: Nightly view
Sibad: Screen May 07
Sphinx55: silver ware
Sibad: Enjoying a card about a card about a card
Sibad: Screen grab of me enjoying a card about a card
Sibad: A Christmas card from Japan read on the train to Nottingham
zap358: Fallen Idol
vagaman.: athens 2004 olympic games
vagaman.: αυτοκινητόδρομος highway
Sphinx55: looking from above
Tasos.: sonata for piano & violin
redhotblackcherry: thank u for coming!
John Georgiou: The steps of knowledge
John Georgiou: The steps of knowledge
Poulheria: molos
isidoros_76: Up to the sky...
isidoros_76: ...να μας πάρεις μακρυά...
Sphinx55: pebble
karahaz: Closer shot of the fridge door. Those who visit my photostream would be correct in assuming that I have run out of Greek pix :-(
galo/*: sounds from the past