mimbrava: stylized hairstreak
Judy Frederick Photography: Mexican Petunia - Ruellia brittoniana
mimbrava: the lady loves zinnias
Carolinensis: American Bumblebee (Bombus pensylvanicus) ♂
Theresa_Gunn: Rudbeckia in the rain
JMR71: Fancy a Snog?
Theresa_Gunn: Butterflies Galore on Sedum
Neponset River Watershed Association: Monarch butterfly larva on Common milkweed
mimbrava: snowberry clearwing moth
mimbrava: a lady drops in for a brief visit
Carolinensis: Ruby-throated Hummingbird (Archilocus colubris) ♂ juv.
mimbrava: enjoying royal candles
Carolinensis: Kimball's Palpita Moth (Palpita kimballi)
Paldas Photography: Common Silverline Butterfly on Tara Ganda
Paldas Photography: Common Banded Awl Skipper On Lantana
Paldas Photography: Cycad Blue - Plains Cupid Butterfly - ID Pls
Paldas Photography: Cycad Blue - Plains Cupid Butterfly -
Paldas Photography: Lemon Pansy Butterfly
Laura Rowan: Hungry for those good things, baby! Hungry through and through!
cox-on-the-box - art, clay, cats, veg: Bumblebee on the lavender close up
Carolinensis: Common Oblique Syrphid (Allograpta obliqua) ♂
Carolinensis: Call Me The Breeze
Carolinensis: Gray Hairstreak (Strymon melinus)
Laura Rowan: What's the dill-io....
Theresa_Gunn: Bergamot monarda (Croftway Pink)
Paldas Photography: 34th visitor Common Mime Butterfly Arrives at My Butterfly Garden butterfly sighting for this season starts now
Paldas Photography: 032. visitor Common Mime Butterfly Arrives at My Butterfly Garden butterfly sighting for this season starts now