Ramalakshmi Rajan: Om Gaja Lakshmi Namah
Ramalakshmi Rajan: Deepam Jyoti Parabrahma
Ramalakshmi Rajan: "So lovely was the loneliness of a wild lake." -Edgar Allan Poe
Ramalakshmi Rajan: Annapoorne Sada Poorne
Ramalakshmi Rajan: Saraswati Namastubhyam
Ramalakshmi Rajan: Karthigai Deepam / Light of Festival
Ramalakshmi Rajan: Festival of Lights / Thirukarthigai
Ramalakshmi Rajan: "Never lose your sense of wonder!"
Ramalakshmi Rajan: "Life is better with a little swan elegance."
Ramalakshmi Rajan: “The swan, with its long neck and delicate features, is a symbol of grace and poise.”
Ramalakshmi Rajan: "The only thing that matters in life is your own opinion about yourself." _ Osho
Ramalakshmi Rajan: Rice Rangoli
Ramalakshmi Rajan: "The energy of the youth has the potential to bring change!"
Ramalakshmi Rajan: Happy Diwali
Ramalakshmi Rajan: “No one who does good work will ever come to a bad end, either here or in the world to come.”_ Lord Krishna
Ramalakshmi Rajan: "I'm not just a symbol of beauty, but a symbol of strength, courage and resilience." _ Draupadi
Ramalakshmi Rajan: A game of Dice / Mahabharat
Ramalakshmi Rajan: Mahabharat / Bhishma on bed of arrows
Ramalakshmi Rajan: "The strength of thousand is a not as powerful as the strength of one with faith."
Ramalakshmi Rajan: ''Sons are the anchors of a mother's life'' _ Sophocles.
Ramalakshmi Rajan: "Life's unfairness does not give you license to walk the wrong path of inequity!"
Ramalakshmi Rajan: "The world always looks brighter from behind a smile."
Ramalakshmi Rajan: Marapachi dolls and couples from different culture, as a symbol of togetheness and peace at home, displayed in Navarathiri Golu
Ramalakshmi Rajan: Parandhama
Ramalakshmi Rajan: Goddess Kamalambika
Ramalakshmi Rajan: Saraswati Puja - Vijayadashami Wishes
Ramalakshmi Rajan: "Brave is the one who knows he will lose and still fight for the righteousness."
Ramalakshmi Rajan: Geethoupadesha