xaginthemyst: [It's been abandoned, but I still use it.]
xaginthemyst: [The software is broken]
xaginthemyst: [But I would sell my soul to be above it all]
xaginthemyst: [Oi, that hurts]
xaginthemyst: [Need a warm comforting place to cry]
xaginthemyst: [Its not for comfort... its for revenge, for demonstrations]
weirdokay: 02/20/23,💫
xaginthemyst: [But I am also a whiny little bitch]
xaginthemyst: [Just stumbling around, aimlessly, forever.]
xaginthemyst: [I should be drinking, just forgetting]
xaginthemyst: [ What is the level of enthusiasm I should display? ]
xaginthemyst: [That seems appropriate]
xaginthemyst: [That is what I should’ve done]
xaginthemyst: [I still dream]
xaginthemyst: [I want to be better but the world wants to be worse]
xaginthemyst: [what kind of world is this? what kind of person are you? ]
xaginthemyst: [The artists, the regrets]
xaginthemyst: [Did you know I made schedules and time tables for every vacation I had till collage? How much tv to watch, games to play, Tintin books to read. I set out a large cardboard and draw and decorated the timetable. I wanted to do it all]
xaginthemyst: [Simply feels the days have gotten shorter]
xaginthemyst: [The time for being great is now…as always]
xaginthemyst: [Fuck the world. But really I’m the one fucked]
xaginthemyst: [Anyway, I woke up, sweating, in anger. ashamed. And so, so sad.]
xaginthemyst: [Ask me for silence]
xaginthemyst: [They didn’t want me there]
xaginthemyst: [He looked divine and pale.]
xaginthemyst: [Where cool people do cool things]
xaginthemyst: He wont be seduced by fantasy
xaginthemyst: [An unfathomable chasm]
xaginthemyst: Unrelenting
weirdokay: sneak peak