chawkfan91: Nap Time...Again
sonstroem: Out for a run
fractal pics: Yorkie in the sun
marsha woodrum: All dressed up and no where to go😞❤️
marsha woodrum: Love yorkie babies
marsha woodrum: Luv my pups
Dark YorkiePoo: Kia welcoming my Daughter Home
Dark YorkiePoo: Our precious furry ones!
fractal pics: wat cha got?
sonstroem: Look Up!
sonstroem: Sleepy Yorkshire Terrier Mix
sonstroem: Yorkshire Terrier Mix, tongue out.
sonstroem: Excited Yorkshire Terrier Mix
fractal pics: begging eyes
fractal pics: stop bothering me
fractal pics: just chillin'
Abigail Harenberg: I miss you already
kathtray: IMGP0052.jpg
kathtray: IMGP0194.jpg
kathtray: IMGP0287.jpg
kathtray: IMGP0410.jpg
kathtray: IMGP0283.jpg
kathtray: IMGP0147.jpg
kathtray: IMGP0112.jpg
matt.swope: Christmas '15
matt.swope: Christmas '15