Yo misma e Irene: New kitty on the block
tat2dqltr: Her new nickname is Squish
wim hoppenbrouwers: our cat Patch op dak Kobelaan Rotterdam 3D
tat2dqltr: Guess I just need to get another box
tat2dqltr: It never rains but it pours
tat2dqltr: Give me all your attention
tat2dqltr: More fun with the macro setting
tat2dqltr: Waiting for curbside pick up
tat2dqltr: "We need to talk..."
tat2dqltr: "You're on the wrong side of the door, Mom."
tat2dqltr: Comfy
Gabriel Paladino Ibáñez: Letting Time Go By...
tat2dqltr: "No photos!"
tat2dqltr: Stare down
tat2dqltr: Beautiful girl
tat2dqltr: Back in her spot
tat2dqltr: Overnight stay
tat2dqltr: Helping. No really.
tat2dqltr: "Enough photos, I want to go home!"