Allen Lee(houpc): Rust-spotted Crab(Trapezia rufopunctata)紅斑梯形蟹
Allen Lee(houpc): Dragon Shrimp長額蝦
Allen Lee(houpc): Bridled Anemonefish白條海葵魚(紅小丑)
Around The Blue World: Showing interest
Allen Lee(houpc): Dragon Shrimp長額蝦
Allen Lee(houpc): Ornate Anemone Shrimp
Allen Lee(houpc): Urchin Bumblebee Shrimp
Allen Lee(houpc): Close your eye
Allen Lee(houpc): Anemonefish's eggs
Allen Lee(houpc): 大白沙
Allen Lee(houpc): 大白沙
Allen Lee(houpc): Iron Reef
Allen Lee(houpc): Decorator Crab(Achaeus spp.)
Allen Lee(houpc): Anemonefish
Allen Lee(houpc): Prey & Predator
Allen Lee(houpc): Solar-powered Phyllodesmium
Allen Lee(houpc): Tube-Worm Blenny
Allen Lee(houpc): Tube-Worm Blenny(Plagiotremus rhinorynchos)橫口尉
Allen Lee(houpc): Painted Frogfish
Allen Lee(houpc): Coral Marbled Shrimp(Saron neglectus)
Allen Lee(houpc): Harlequin Shrimp
Allen Lee(houpc): Stiliger aureomarginatus金邊柱狀海蛞蝓
Allen Lee(houpc): Goby(Trimma okinawae)沖繩磨塘鱧
Allen Lee(houpc): Boxfish(Ostracion cubicus)
samuie: 小木瓜
Around The Blue World: The Face - Whaleshark