enovember: Upon landing....
Frank Synopsis: Goofin' at the Integratron
Frank Synopsis: Goofin' at the Integratron
lolopop: integratron sunset
lolopop: integratron
lolopop: under the integratron
lolopop: inside the dome at the integratron
lolopop: integratron model
Frank Synopsis: IMG_0825
Frank Synopsis: IMG_0835
Frank Synopsis: IMG_0827
Frank Synopsis: IMG_0824
Frank Synopsis: IMG_0821
Rigged: Integratron
Frank Synopsis: IMG_0836
Frank Synopsis: IMG_0820
Frank Synopsis: DSCN0433
Frank Synopsis: DSCN0431
Frank Synopsis: The Integratron
gsgeorge: the altar
gsgeorge: domed
gsgeorge: integratron
DangerRanger: 2711 - Integratron