sargkc: LBJ grasslands Wise Co Texas K1000
sargkc: LBJ grasslands Wise Co Texas K1000
sargkc: Old cattle pen on the LBJ grasslands Wise Co Texas K1000
sargkc: Old cattle pen on the LBJ grasslands Wise Co Texas Pentax k1000
rogerwshaw: Double-striped Bluet (Enallagma basidens)
rogerwshaw: Calico Pennant (Celithemis elisa)
rogerwshaw: Blue-ringed Dancer (Argia sedula)
bgorum: Gorum_100627_0296
bgorum: Gorum_100627_0268
bgorum: Gorum_100627_0257
bgorum: Gorum_090624_0538
bgorum: Gorum_090624_0523
rogerwshaw: Halloween Pennant (Celithemis eponina)
rogerwshaw: Pond at the LBJ Grasslands
rogerwshaw: TADRA Point Windmill
Lightning Bug Creek: Bye Momma!!
Lightning Bug Creek: Flower Macro
Lightning Bug Creek: Getting sunscreened up!
Lightning Bug Creek: Sun Salutation!
Lightning Bug Creek: Ready to go!
Lightning Bug Creek: Rough Msh0709
Lightning Bug Creek: Fade into bark
Lightning Bug Creek: Intricate center