PDXJohnny99 aka Gnarly Kaufman: the burnside b●●ks
.betsy.anderson.: Smirking Caesar
Mobilus In Mobili: Powell's
Frank Fujimoto: Powell's City of Books
Frank Fujimoto: Powell's City of Books
PDXJohnny99 aka Gnarly Kaufman: WHEN SH!T GOES SIDEWAYS
darwinsbulldog: The Humblebee Hunter
Ninja Mom: Powell's Books and World Cup espresso, Portland
The Impression That I Get: book: Sex at Dawn
darwinsbulldog: Christopher Wills discusses "The Darwinian Tourist" at Powell's in downtown Portland
darwinsbulldog: Christopher Wills discusses "The Darwinian Tourist" at Powell's in downtown Portland
El Cobrador: Book Mecca
darwinsbulldog: 100_8988
darwinsbulldog: Quammen sign in Powell's bookstore
darwinsbulldog: Darwin section, Powell's Bookstore, Portland, OR
afagen: Powell's Books
afagen: Welcome to Powell's
afagen: Powell's City of Books
morgan cain: The road to knowledge begins with the turn of the page
Kid_Curry: Powells
Kid_Curry: Powells Books