V.S. Quinnell: My pup Jet
V.S. Quinnell: 20170603_104425
V.S. Quinnell: 20170604_205301
V.S. Quinnell: 1497820437801
V.S. Quinnell: My dog Jet thinks she's a blogger.. 😊🐕
Andy Darkes: DSCF3527.jpg
Andy Darkes: DSCF3528.jpg
Bub56: 1st Birthday with Bailey the buds
Rough Art Photography: Monarch of the Glen.
Bub56: Curious
Bub56: I got it
Bub56: Tracy's pic of Levi & I-love it!
Bub56: Excitement
Bub56: Chewing
Bub56: Race on
Bub56: Got it
Bub56: Which way?
Bub56: Sunday afternoon
Bub56: Thirsty
Bub56: Sooo tired
Bub56: Are you finally home
Bub56: Evil eyes
Bub56: Elk bone time
Bub56: Dinna time
Bub56: What's over there?
Bub56: Welcome home
Bub56: What is that?
Bub56: Brothers
Bub56: Playing in the warmth
Bub56: Posing