jonbrown13: Denny Wood
farleyj: natural coastal rock script
farleyj: emblem on wood
farleyj: many little stories
farleyj: wind compass
jonbrown13: Big Impression!
farleyj: like a scene from a Renaissance fresco
farleyj: surprised granite
farleyj: cosmic flower with pollen
farleyj: double radial symmetry
farleyj: comet
farleyj: tiny beads
farleyj: shining maze
farleyj: spark drawings
farleyj: naturally illustrated, decorated post
farleyj: sand stories
farleyj: wind drawings
farleyj: art nouveau larch
Ess Pea: Come no closer!
mumpasak: catch
farleyj: truly surreal
farleyj: from last year
mumpasak: boloto
farleyj: hawk got one
farleyj: mammoth [hidden in ice]
farleyj: found drawings
farleyj: tail feathers
farleyj: straw and ice
farleyj: draining back 2