thomas.schultze: DSCF0709 Death Valley
docbob943: Jelly fish pretending to be a sand dollar
World of Izon: Sandy patterns
docbob943: Wet sand -- Oregon Coast
docbob943: Central Oregon Beach at low tide
thomas.schultze: 00619 Long shadows
caeciliametella: water and shore: roker spit
PentlandPirate: Innes House Photography: Path of least resistance
dunescape: Winter Beach
Steve O'Day: Easter Moon
thomas.schultze: DSC00998 Tracks on the dunes
Kent Van Vuren: sand pattern, Pajaro Dunes State Beach, CA 11-14-23
thomas.schultze: dig 32 070 Råbjerg Mile
thomas.schultze: dig 32 075 Dunes
dunescape: Wild Beach
SARK S-W: Lavernock Point
dunescape: Dune Face
dunescape: Fall day at Sandbanks
L'humoureuse :-): Une plage de Nouvelle Zélande
thomas.schultze: Sk - 00713 Sandmönster
PentlandPirate: Innes House Photography: There used to be icecaps
HKCantin: Sand Patterns
World of Izon: Flight and shadow
Greatest Paka Photography: Footprints In The Sand