longk48: Datura wrightii
longk48: Datura wrightii
longk48: Datura wrightii
smallcurio: Jimsonweed seedpod
matthewbeziat: Jimsonweed Seeds
matthewbeziat: Jimsonweed Pod At Patapsco
chug14: Datura stramonium, la pomme épineuse ou stramoine.
chug14: Datura stramonium, la pomme épineuse ou stramoine.
matthewbeziat: Jimsonweed Pair
Ephemeral Impressions: Datura stramonium
Ephemeral Impressions: Mandrake (Mandragora officinarum)
Ephemeral Impressions: Datura stramonium
Ephemeral Impressions: Datura stramonium
enchplant1: Brugmansia sanguinea
enchplant1: Cold group Brugmansias in flower
enchplant1: Brugmansia 'Salmon Perfektion'
enchplant1: Brugmansia 'Salmon Perfektion'
Ephemeral Impressions: Datura stramonium (3)
Ephemeral Impressions: Datura metel
Ephemeral Impressions: Datura stramonium
Ephemeral Impressions: Datura suaveolens
Ephemeral Impressions: Datura metel
matthewbeziat: The Moonflower 2016
mysticislandphoto: Angel's Trumpets
mysticislandphoto: trumpets of fire
mysticislandphoto: a choir of trumpets
mysticislandphoto: Pink brugmansia
mysticislandphoto: Angel's Trumpet