Elegant-Thrill: (Cover) If I Die Young- The Band Perry
Elegant-Thrill: Paradise.
Elegant-Thrill: My brown eyes.
Elegant-Thrill: Self portrait in Sepia.
Elegant-Thrill: This is me.
Elegant-Thrill: Was it really that easy to forget?
Elegant-Thrill: My beauties.
Elegant-Thrill: My first granny square.
Elegant-Thrill: The barbed wire of my heart is so much sharper than you know.
Elegant-Thrill: Today was just such a beautiful day to take photographs.
Elegant-Thrill: Spider web.
Elegant-Thrill: Ruby throated hummingbird.
Elegant-Thrill: And the sun sets in this problem.
Elegant-Thrill: Hunter...or huntress?
Elegant-Thrill: I don't know who changed. You or me?
Elegant-Thrill: Cloning photograph.
Elegant-Thrill: Beautiful goose.
Elegant-Thrill: My favorite place to go.
Elegant-Thrill: Self portrait.
Elegant-Thrill: Marietta Square fountain.
Elegant-Thrill: Bumble Bee!
Elegant-Thrill: Dandelion wishes.
Elegant-Thrill: Old storage barn.