sstoopage: New Profile Picture
sleepforever: wendydarling
sleepforever: peterwendytink
sstoopage: All The Different Face Molds
bonjourblythe: The Kenner’s.
sstoopage: Kenner collection complete
``` November Rain ```: Sabrina Sophisticate
``` November Rain ```: Introducing my dolls - Sabrina
Wonderlandfan: Love a Ginger
sleepforever: Wendy Torrance Set
Fussywickett: Janis and Sophie
bonjourblythe: Holland and her guitar
bonjourblythe: Holland and her guitar
bonjourblythe: Holland and Henry.
bonjourblythe: Holland loves listing to her records.
bonjourblythe: Holland listens to records.
``` November Rain ```: Selena in green
Primrose Princess: Three little loves...
``` November Rain ```: Kenner Blythe Sabrina wearing Endangered Sissy
``` November Rain ```: Warm days like this in February are most welcome
Wonderlandfan: BaD Jan 6 - 20 Things
Primrose Princess: The glow of the Christmas tree...
sleepforever: happy holidays!
sleepforever: 🌈🍀