zouhriamine97: IMG_6835
zouhriamine97: IMG_6929
zouhriamine97: IMG_6829
zouhriamine97: IMG_6940
zouhriamine97: IMG_6746 (1)
andredekesel: Lacewing
oldTor: Сabbage leaf under a microscope. 20,83:1. Oblique transmitted illumination
Olaf Craasmann: happy new bug 2023
oldTor: Pyramid. Potassium iodide crystal. 20:1
oldTor: Silicon chip 1526ИЕ11 in coaxial light
oldTor: Silicon carbide grain in a sharpening stone. UVIVF
Olaf Craasmann: ready to fire
oldTor: Soy sauce crystal. Inversion
oldTor: Fragment of the soviet silicon chip ОСМ537РУ6А (1989). Сamel figurine.
oldTor: Chloroplasts in cucumber cells. In monochrome. Dark field
oldTor: Structure in the dark field. HDR. Tomato
oldTor: Salt crystal in coaxial light
oldTor: Amyloplasts from Potato. Photomicrography
Olaf Craasmann: Cribraria
oldTor: Crystal in coaxial light
oldTor: Ice patterns
oldTor: Lace of crystals in polarized light
oldTor: Fragment of a coin in coaxial light
oldTor: Crystals of potassium iodide under a microscope
oldTor: Pumpkin under the microscope
oldTor: Fragment of the usb connector in coaxial light
oldTor: Silicon micro chip M27C64A12F1
oldTor: Silicon micro chip 533ЛЕ1
Olaf Craasmann: Olivenit
oldTor: Plate with artificial diamond grain