jovike: Rainbow
Matthew Saindon: why yes. yes it is. it is a cupcakes n' more dessert stand!
Maggie Osterberg: Scooter on the Sofa, July, 2008
Maggie Osterberg: Tur-Duc-Hen
jillonjill: IMGP1937.JPG
jillonjill: IMGP1934.JPG
jillonjill: IMGP1922.JPG
jillonjill: IMGP1918.JPG
jillonjill: IMGP1909.JPG
exakta: Cast-off sneakers, Greenwich Village, New York, evening
exakta: Antique shop, Greenwich Village, New York
exakta: 73 (Doorway, Greenwich Village, New York City)
Luis Manzo: LuisManzo
Teri Tynes: Store Closed
Teri Tynes: Le Figaro Cafe
Teri Tynes: Magnifique and Luxor
Teri Tynes: Comedy
Teri Tynes: Commerce Street The Village
Teri Tynes: Umanov Guitar Shop 4th of July
Teri Tynes: Cornelia Street
s76fitz: viLLagecigar
s76fitz: VIN&RUST.v03 - Rockefeller Center.
s76fitz: there goes the neighbourhood -jorma kaukonen steve sacher -©s. fitzstephens-2006©
s76fitz: marvin gaye - ©s.fitzstephens2006
Susan See: Moray #7
Alexander Countey: Downtown Rooftop 360
Susan See: Ryan In Multi-Colors
s76fitz: jaco & bobby_faust -©s. fitzstephens-2006©