lackom75: Streetshot in Kaposvár
lackom75: Streetshot in Kaposvár
BalintL: Peace
lackom75: Lake Deseda bicycle road
lackom75: Running
lackom75: Hunt for a catfish
lackom75: molted childhood
lackom75: Calmness of fishing
lackom75: Boat
lackom75: Sunset on the Lake Deseda.
lackom75: meeting of 2 wheels
lackom75: Immigrant?
lackom75: Strangers.
lackom75: Street art
lackom75: Street art
lackom75: low key lights
lackom75: Soft hills of South-West Hungary
lackom75: Road to the mist
lackom75: Spring morning in the park
lackom75: Sunrise over the field
lackom75: funny mirror in the coffee shop
lackom75: nice cake and coffee shop
BalintL: Sunrise over the city
lackom75: Damp field, cherry tree in bloom
lackom75: Streetshot in Kaposvár Main street
lackom75: kayak on the Lake Deseda
lackom75: Streetview in Kaposvár
lackom75: Egy2 coffeshop in Kaposvár
BalintL: Parallel lines
BalintL: Unicorn