favmark1: One of our rarest, Late Spider Orchid "Ophrys fuciflora"
favmark1: An early Spider right at the edge of a 300 foot vertical cliff!
favmark1: Early Spider Orchids at Samphire Hoe
emmily1955: Cattleya purpurata var. werkhäuseri ‘do Manfredo-Bodenseeperle‘
emmily1955: Cattleya purpurata var. werkhäuseri ‘ do Manfredo-Bodenseeperle‘
emmily1955: Cattleya Peckhaviensis #3
emmily1955: Cattleya Peckhaviensis #3
Andi_1986: Phalaenopsis appendiculata
Andi_1986: Neofinetia hybrid Kibana Fuuran
emmily1955: Cattleya mossiae
favmark1: Kent's Birds-nest Orchid "Neottia nidus-avis"
favmark1: Greater Butterfly Orchid "Platanthera chlorantha"
favmark1: Common Spotted Orchid "Dactylorhiza fuchsii"
emmily1955: Dendrobium harveyanum
emmily1955: Dendrobium harveyanum
Nonsmokinjoe57: Bulbophyllum blefaristes
favmark1: Faversham's Birds-nest Orchid "Neottia nidus-avis"
emmily1955: Cattleya granulosa ' Bodenseeperle 'BM(B)/D.O.G.2016
emmily1955: Cattleya granulosa ' Bodenseeperle 'BM(B)/D.O.G.2016
nolehace: Zygopetalum maculatum species orchid
nolehace: 1st bloom after many years for this Laelia lobata var. alba species orchid 4-24*
nolehace: Cymbidium Nandi 'Green Giant' hybrid orchid
Motohiro Sunouchi: Lycaste campbellii C.Schweinf. in Sargentia 8: 103 (1949)
Motohiro Sunouchi: Lycaste campbellii C.Schweinf. in Sargentia 8: 103 (1949)
Motohiro Sunouchi: Lycaste campbellii C.Schweinf. in Sargentia 8: 103 (1949)
favmark1: A genetic aberant variation of the Monkey Orchid "Orchis simia"
favmark1: One of Kent's pale variations of the Fly Orchid "Ophrys insectifera"
favmark1: One of Kent's typical Fly Orchids "Ophrys insectifera"
favmark1: Kent's Lady Orchids "Orchis purpurea"
favmark1: Kent's Monkey Orchids "Orchis simia"