peterg2756: Above the rest.
ace's photos: Behind the grass
Charlie Wambeke Photography: Yellow flowers in a bunch for sale at TJS Sourth of Market downtown San Francisco 20190801-132359
uwekulick: Gänseblümchen
Eva astur: Flores en primavera
Chrissie2003: Daisies
uwekulick: Gänseblümchen
Matthew Huntbach: Michaelmas Daisies (2)
Mia Ζωή: Daisy in Winter
Hindrik S: Daisy Wheel
Iphigenia Dervisi: Shimmering
J. Harless: Flower
J. Harless: Daisies, Jefferson, NC
J. Harless: Daisy, West Jefferson, NC
J. Harless: Daisy, Jefferson, NC
Chrissie2003: Daisies
Matthew Huntbach: Marguerite Daisy White and Yellow
Matthew Huntbach: Orange Daisy
rebecca bowater nature photographer: Brachyglottis bellidioides
Matthew Huntbach: Orange Osteospermums (2)
Matthew Huntbach: Yellow Cape Marguerite
Matthew Huntbach: Pink Daisies in Jingshan Park (2)
Adversativo: IMG_2009