Mar-i-sel: 20230418_022435
A Work of Mark: Sailing on the Nile River
d80disparos: TRÁNSITO
d80disparos: WHITE PEACE
bawbwa: winter
Maria ♡: Nightmares
Paranoico (MDMAfia): Celia Hidalgo
Maria ♡: Who I am.
Maria ♡: God and bad memories...
Maria ♡: ... to another world.
Maria ♡: Wedding ring means love..
Maria ♡: Good breakfast
Maria ♡: Sweet dreams
Maria ♡: Jewellery with a heart
Paranoico (MDMAfia): when i am cold even my best friend wouldn't come and share some warmth.
Maria ♡: Timmi's nose
Maria ♡: Timmi's nose in black & white
Swell Dame: The White Lunch
Swell Dame: White-on-white-
Aldo Summa: petite étoile - 2 di 2
i s h a n i . . .: La simplicité est l'habit de la perfection. Wladimir Wolf Gozin
aquamarine_jo: all white (pyrgos)
i s h a n i . . .: For every beauty there is an eye somewhere to see it. Ivan Panin
A Work of Mark: Phalaenopsis 1
A Work of Mark: Phalaenopsis