2jsworldofadventure: An impressive brood of Greylag goslings, Priory Park, Bedford 20240506
gaetdi: Paruline à croupion jaune Yellow-rumped Warbler - Dendroica coronata
gaetdi: Paruline à croupion jaune Yellow-rumped Warbler - Dendroica coronata
Each Moment the Universe: Male Northern Cardinal
Each Moment the Universe: Black-and-White Warbler
gaetdi: Canard d'Amérique American Wigeon - Anas Americana
ipicoheide: Fauvette mélanocéphale
ipicoheide: Le gardien de la tour
Each Moment the Universe: Magnolia Warbler
gaetdi: Harle huppé Mergus serrator - Red-breasted Merganser
ipicoheide: Portrait d'un jeune merle
ipicoheide: Le triangle émeraude
ipicoheide: Fauvette mélanocéphale
ipicoheide: Fleur de ciste et l'abeille
Each Moment the Universe: Common Yellowthroat Warbler
gaetdi: Renardeaux roux, il a déjà le comportement d'un predateur - Red fox cubs, he already has the behavior of a predator.
gaetdi: Roitelet à couronne rubis Regulus calendula | Ruby-crowned kinglet
gaetdi: Pygargue à tête blanche Bald Eagle - Haliaeetus leucocephalus
Each Moment the Universe: Blackpoll Warbler
Each Moment the Universe: Nashville Warbler
gaetdi: Renardeaux roux / Young Red Foxes
gaetdi: Pygargue à tête blanche Bald Eagle - Haliaeetus leucocephalus
Each Moment the Universe: Aggression in Male Black-necked Stilts
Each Moment the Universe: Fresh Crab for Lunch
gaetdi: Jeunes Renards roux / Young Red Foxes
a wandering fool: Grand Tetons
gaetdi: Bébé Grand-duc d'Amérique Baby Great Horned Owl - Bubo virginianus
gaetdi: Harfang des neiges Snowy Owl - Bubo scandiacus
Each Moment the Universe: Red-Eyed Vireo
gaetdi: Harfang des neiges Snowy Owl - Bubo scandiacus