drayy: IMG_8255 You shall not pass!
Daddy Blue: Christmas in front of the telly
drayy: IMG_0461 cat version of Reality TV
Daddy Blue: A kindle of kittens
Daddy Blue: Mucked Up... Again
Daddy Blue: Sooty the Stray
Daddy Blue: How did you do that?
Paveletoo: Siamese Cat Licks Paw
clarisel: IMG_7914
drayy: IMG_7927 Series - a quick visit to get a pat
drayy: IMG_7925 Series - a quick visit to get a pat
drayy: IMG_7924 Series - a quick visit to get a pat
drayy: IMG_7903 new bed just for Fico
drayy: IMG_7750 Emerging from the hedge
clarisel: IMG_6871
clarisel: IMG_6870
drayy: IMG_7586 Storm showing off with a big stretch
drayy: IMG_7361 soft and cute
drayy: IMG_7265 Relaxed and purring
drayy: IMG_6965 Inspecting the new car
drayy: IMG_6963 Inspecting the new car
drayy: IMG_6962 Inspecting the new car
drayy: IMG_6961 Inspecting the new car
drayy: IMG_6885 Spider-cat
drayy: IMG_6884 Warm tiles, warm bricks
drayy: IMG_6883 Warm tiles, warm bricks
drayy: IMG_6825 Lots of purring
.:BK:.: _*BK*_
drayy: IMG_6731 stretched sleep
drayy: IMG_6684 sunny spot, reaching out for a pat