karto gimeno: el desierto que viene
jean sept: Hush!
karto gimeno: straydogs
karto gimeno: no es el camino
jean sept: Ms Congeniality*
jean sept: Ancient Sainto
jean sept: John Brown's Body
jean sept: Antiviraler Übermensch
jean sept: The Final Days Of Man God
karto gimeno: día diez
jean sept: Merry Christian Capitalism (untamed)
karto gimeno: esperando el invierno
jean sept: The Artist, Lost For
karto gimeno: candy crush
jean sept: Zeus As A Small Child
jean sept: A Polished Death
jean sept: Headshot (Et Les Fils)
jean sept: The Headmistress
jean sept: Meet Mister Ochre, The First Of Our Winter Guests (Passport Photo)
jean sept: The Thinkable And The Unthinkable - A Theory Of Mental Confectionery
karto gimeno: cuando el gallo cante
jean sept: Thanks For The Meme - ory (tamed)
jean sept: Loki Hiding In Plain Sight (untamed)