Bibliothecarius_Optimus: Stella in the mirror- Motley Crew walk
Tulpaloose: Jackie, Bo and Malu pose for their spring photo
Maggie Osterberg: Jemma, February 24, 2024
Maggie Osterberg: Jemma And Amelia, October 21, 2023
Maggie Osterberg: Jemma, October 20, 2023
sven_k2: DSC_2442
47424: Charlotte
The BOF: We Go to Church
sven_k2: 20231012_0620
The BOF: Holiday Collies
The BOF: Behind My Back
The BOF: Lucy's a Little on Edge
The BOF: "Poldork" Country
The BOF: What Lucy Likes
The BOF: Inland Beach
The BOF: Poolside
The BOF: Solo Performance
The BOF: 'Q' - Plate
The BOF: Apres Bimble
The BOF: I Love Lucy !
The BOF: "Sister - have you been saved" ?
The BOF: The Great Wide Way
The BOF: Collie Co-pilot
The BOF: Follow That Woofer !
The BOF: Dior's Disaster
The BOF: At the Vet
The BOF: More of Dior
The BOF: "Just Us" -
The BOF: Visual Clues