Stew Stryker: Asctuney Mt from near Margaritaville aid station
Stew Stryker: View from Prospect Hill aid station
Stew Stryker: 5 Yates horses
Stew Stryker: Three
Stew Stryker: Runner in a downpour
Stew Stryker: Sun coming back out
Stew Stryker: Pouring
Stew Stryker: Shuffling along
Stew Stryker: Walking across open area
Stew Stryker: Water drops
Stew Stryker: Running through the rain
Stew Stryker: Poncho
rebekxrunr: Bekz and Kurt- the son
rebekxrunr: Joe and Bekz- second greatest crew boss (next to Trudy)
rebekxrunr: together again
rebekxrunr: IN TRAINING...better go back to the training runs!
rebekxrunr: Bekz and Andy the greatest Pacer
rebekxrunr: Bekz and Woody...before the race
rebekxrunr: Andy NEVER feels any pain
rebekxrunr: Trudy is the best crew - here with Woody
rebekxrunr: Trudy showing Joe how to crew!!
rebekxrunr: Beckster- still hanging in there
rebekxrunr: Andy and Woody
rebekxrunr: Woody, Jon and Andy before the race
Carl Camp: vt 005
Carl Camp: vt 018
Carl Camp: vt 004