Washington DC Evangelists: Proclaiming the Good News of the Gospel at the 2012 Capital Pride Parade
Washington DC Evangelists: Jumbo Money Gospel Tracts Make Great Souvenirs
Washington DC Evangelists: Jumbo Money Gospel Tracts Make Great Souvenirs
Washington DC Evangelists: Jumbo Money Gospel Tracts Make Great Souvenirs
Washington DC Evangelists: Jumbo Money Gospel Tracts Make Great Souvenirs
Washington DC Evangelists: Jumbo Money Gospel Tracts Make Great Souvenirs
Washington DC Evangelists: Jumbo Money Gospel Tracts Make Great Souvenirs
Walk_On_Water: Ambassador Alliance 20 - Day 4 101
bobmendo: witnessing to ET
bobmendo: Chagall on the streets
bobmendo: Monotheism vs Christianity, he said
bobmendo: Gut shabbos
bobmendo: Taking the tract
bobmendo: Leafleting
bobmendo: Receptive
bobmendo: Another taker
bobmendo: OK, I'll read it
bobmendo: Not on your life
bobmendo: French tourists
bobmendo: 204/366 The Newer Testament speaks
The Burly Photographer: Street Prayer
gomitch2: Fidel
IglesiaDelRedentorSarasota: Argentina 2006 178
GiIIigan: Holiness or Hell sign
Scottish Camera: Galatians 1 Verses 6 and 7
GiIIigan: Repent sign
GiIIigan: Holiness or Hell sign