Christine Jump: Doberman snuggles
EX22218 - ON/OFF: Have You Seen This Dog?
EX22218 - ON/OFF: Her Salvation
Christine Jump: Liam and Finn
Christine Jump: Doberman raises natural ears.
Christine Jump: Liam, snug as a bug
Christine Jump: Coy Doberman
Christine Jump: Liam 2006-2019
Christine Jump: Sleepy Head Liam
Sanna Taas: Service dog
EX22218 - ON/OFF: Drunk on Furminator!
Kris_wl: Sending Prayers And Positive Wishes To Everyone Around the Globe
Christine Jump: Waking Slowly
creativecarpetrepair: How to Stop Cat From Scratching and Clawing in Carpet?
creativecarpetrepair: Carpet Burn Repair Specialists
Kris_wl: Portrait Of Austin
Sanna Taas: Winter scene
Kris_wl: My Service Dog, Austin Helping Me at the Doctors
~nevikk~: Here she comes!
~nevikk~: Kiera@Hester Park (2) 8.8.16
~nevikk~: Kiera@Hester Park (3) 8.8.16
Jake Wark: 8/1/16
szasi: o,, ,,-
Christine Jump: Liam.CapeKiwanda7.2.16
Jake Wark: 9/18/14
~nevikk~: Kodak M530 Mon. 5.02.2016 018
EX22218 - ON/OFF: Pancake's First Conquest
EX22218 - ON/OFF: My Girl