dogwelder: Compact
Eleventh Earl: Abandoned shoes.
mil8: hello honda, nice parking job. I was here first (hi) over here... next to you... parked nicely next to the wall in a COMPACT spot. Were you *really* in that much of a hurry to park like this? KTHXBYE
Eleventh Earl: I hope he's not in a hurry...
mil8: what a tool!
mil8: Ferrari 430 parked in a reserved spot for LA City Councilman, Dennis P. Zine
Eleventh Earl: Selfish piece of shit
monkeytime | brachiator: Hit me! I need the money! #02
Eleventh Earl: Old Harlow - the former Collins Bike Shop
mil8: "Hi. I'm a big car in a small spot. I fear that the car next to me is going to dent my white fender. BTW, call me if you're in 1000 Oaks."
Vaguely Artistic: Tasty Goody Jerk
Vaguely Artistic: Bay Cities Deli Jerk
Vidalia: A funny story (or funny in an eye rolling kind of way)
meowhous the iconoclast: This is not a compact.
Malingering: nice
Malingering: compact parking spot
scottpartee: Smart parks proper!
Malingering: hey K and J, that's not compact. just wanted to let you know.
dieselboi: asshat
Malingering: It's just so compact that it's not.
Malingering: Stupid Hummer
dogwelder: COCOA1 is really good at parking
Echo_29: Audi Ass
dogwelder: Your F-250 Does Not Fit In A Compact Spot
Life As Art: triple parked
Vaguely Artistic: Un-Compact
Malingering: envoy = not compact