johndecember: Polaroid
johndecember: Last Call
johndecember: Shooting the Vines
francescabrown: Our next gig, come out and see us!
francescabrown: 1970 my first love
francescabrown: Holiday Music from Hands on the Run
francescabrown: Beautiful Melonius
francescabrown: girl and seagull
francescabrown: wish you could be there
≈ ☼ ≈ giamarie≈ ☼ ≈: @ The PieN'Burger with Miss Charm and Poise
≈ ☼ ≈ giamarie≈ ☼ ≈: @ The PieN'Burger with Miss Charm and Poise
francescabrown: Black Bra for Zach
francescabrown: Drug Rep Swag for Blope
francescabrown: Homage to The Purse for Adriana
johndecember: Tray Fish Eye!
francescabrown: Having fun with Mel at Gallery Night
francescabrown: "Without counting time" by Francesca
johndecember: Mark at Work
francescabrown: greatest shot of Pear Bear
francescabrown: Basic Joe Holland describes sound
francescabrown: Greg Fran Jerry and Chris
francescabrown: The beautiful photographer and her loyal subject
francescabrown: If you live close please consider this...
francescabrown: This is my favorite shot of these two
francescabrown: Plumberly and Pear Bear
francescabrown: Plumberly partying
francescabrown: Bear, Brown and Headgeek