Ceccarelli Francesco: 1984 Bianchi Sprint 28T
Ceccarelli Francesco: 1954 Bianchi sport condorino
wizmo: colorful neighborhood
Kevin Wagoner: IMG_0424
Kevin Wagoner: IMG_4575
wizmo: the new transportation
Kevin Wagoner: IMG_4179
wizmo: ode to my newly-painted bike
Kevin Wagoner: Riding Since The Seventies
wizmo: head and shoulders above the crowd
wizmo: boxhead bike
wizmo: tall Bike wonderfulness
wizmo: magic hour ride
wizmo: bikepath along the Willamette River
wizmo: bikes-recumbent duo
wizmo: bikes
wizmo: bikes and tutu!
wizmo: night bikes
wizmo: bikes
wizmo: tribal bikes
Scott DeSelle: Trek Mountain Bike
Scott DeSelle: La bicicletta dei Campioni
Geographer David: Matt C & Ryan S
Geographer David: Ridin in style!
Geographer David: O Tannenbaum, O Tannenbaum!