912greens: Remains of the White River Feed Company, December 2022.
912greens: Artful birds on the White River Feed Company after the fire-- December, 2022.
912greens: Day after a fire at the White River Feed Company, Kent, Washington. December 2022
912greens: White River Feed Company the day after the fire-- Kent, WA. December 2022
912greens: peculiar trees at dusk
912greens: Treehouse at Clark Lake, Kent, WA
912greens: Good times, good times.
912greens: Hummingbird at rest
912greens: On a clear day....the mountain comes out
912greens: What's inside??
912greens: Besmirched Birch
listorama: Brand new... 20190717_8457
listorama: Airbus manufacturing in "Boeing country"... 20190720_8627
listorama: "No personal vehicles"... 20190720_8647
listorama: Curved aisle... 20171010_6564
listorama: ADM hopper... 20180920_2194
listorama: Trail maintenance, before and after
listorama: FedEx spur track... 20181110_3876
listorama: End of the FedEx spur... 20181110_3878
listorama: Stream... 20181110_3695
listorama: Corridor... 20180924_2421
listorama: Three tracks... 20180923_2346
listorama: Shadowy trailer... 20180901_1975
listorama: Loading dock status... 2019072_8607
listorama: Three of me... 20190821_9247
listorama: Signal bridge... 20190821_9269
listorama: A tale of two trails... 20130531_6513
listorama: Bridge, river, road, and trike... 20150227_6257
listorama: Backside of a warehouse...20180921_2254
listorama: Spur into FedEx property... 20181110_3872