ninetasninetas: Cordero Místico de una vidriera de la Catedral de Rouen. Francia.
ninetasninetas: Agnus Dei con San Juan Bautista de la Colegiata de Covarrubias.
Glass Angel: Worksop, Priory Church of St Mary & St Cuthbert
Glass Angel: East Brent, Somerset - St Mary the Virgin
Glass Angel: Wales and Kiverton Park, South Yorkshire - St John the Baptist
Glass Angel: Wales and Kiverton Park, South Yorkshire - St John the Baptist Church - Stained Glass
Glass Angel: Bampton - St Mary's Church
Glass Angel: Bampton - St Mary's Church - Stained Glass
Glass Angel: Views of London
Glass Angel: Views of London
Glass Angel: Views of London
Glass Angel: Views of London
Glass Angel: Views of London
Glass Angel: Views of London
Glass Angel: Views of London
Glass Angel: V&A Museum, London
groenling: Münster, Westfalen, Überwasserkirche, keystone
Glass Angel: Bradford Cathedral - East Window - Stained Glass
Glass Angel: Bradford Cathedral - East Window - Stained Glass
Glass Angel: Stratford St Mary, Suffolk - St Mary's Church
Glass Angel: Bradford Cathedral
ninetasninetas: Adoración del Cordero por ocho músicos (1047), del Códice o Beato de Fernando I y doña Sancha de la Biblioteca Nacional.
ninetasninetas: Agnus Dei, con San Juan Bautista de la iglesia de Santo Tomás de Covarrubias. Burgos.
Bolckow: The Font, carved by Farmer and Brindley - Lamb of God detail - St. Mary Abbott, Kensington. London
ninetasninetas: Clave de bóveda románica (siglo XII) de la Catedral de Santo Domingo de la Calzada. La Rioja.
Glass Angel: Barnsley - St Edward The Confessor Church, Kingstone
Glass Angel: Bristol - St John the Baptist Church, Broad Street
Glass Angel: Bristol - St John the Baptist Church, Broad Street
Glass Angel: Bristol - St John the Baptist Church, Broad Street - Stained Glass