donmai651: Spoila of many stories
donmai651: Arches if time
donmai651: So it is written, so it shall be done
donmai651: What we have here is a failure to communicate
donmai651: Memory lane
alfonso losanno: L1070179-224
donmai651: For we walk by faith, not by sight
donmai651: Tramonto sugli Hirpini
donmai651: Somewhere is the sands of time
donmai651: In a far distant past
donmai651: Turn to stone
donmai651: Il Goleto
donmai651: The love shack
donmai651: Cappella in Campania
donmai651: Are you not entertained
donmai651: Vedi Napule e poi muori
donmai651: Our house is our castle and our keep
donmai651: Lost my head some time ago
donmai651: Ponte di Annibale
donmai651: Stone by stone
donmai651: Medieval times
donmai651: La Rocca
donmai651: Campania Felix
donmai651: Enter
donmai651: Sundown over paradiso
donmai651: Entrare in Campania Felix
donmai651: All the world is good again
donmai651: Top of the rock
donmai651: Medieval chapel
donmai651: Bridge of time