jack cottone: 7540 Canada Goose fleeing the Mute Swan Bully #1 @ Centerport Inlet, and HONKING LOUDLY. cropped.
jack cottone: 9656 Mute Swan Cygnet @ Southards Pond..
jack cottone: 9649 Female Mallard & her Ducklings hiding under the bushes to avoid the Mute Swans.
jack cottone: 9642 Canada Goose Family @ Southards Pond..
jack cottone: 7545 Canada Goose fleeing the Mute Swan Bully #4 @ Centerport Inlet.
jack cottone: 7796 Great White Egret flyby @ Centerport.
jack cottone: 9602 Great White Egret flyby #3 @! Centerport.
jack cottone: 9606 Fishing Osprey @ Centerport.
jack cottone: 9608 Fishing Osprey @ Centerport.
jack cottone: 9553 Canada Geese @ Argyle Pond.
jack cottone: 9591 Very annoyed Mute Swan @ Argyle Pond, dribbling & giving viewers the EVIL EYE!!
jack cottone: 9592 Canada Goose @ Argyle Pond.
jack cottone: 9596 Great White Egret #1 hunting/fishing @ Centerport Inlet.
jack cottone: 9597 Great White Egret #2 hunting/fishing @ Centerport.
jack cottone: 9548 Cormorant Island in Argyle Pond Babylon. I believe there is more now than last year & last years count was 80.
jack cottone: 9606 Great Egret flyby @ Connetquot River.
jack cottone: 9864 Mute Swan family @ Connetquot River.
jack cottone: 9605 Great Egret flyby @ Connetquot River.
jack cottone: About 3 years ago l planted 5 Hydrangea’s around my property. Only these 2 survived.
jack cottone: I planted this Limelight Hydrangea as a small clipping from my relative in Cape Cod. Its HUGE, & in the late summer its a Lime Color.
jack cottone: 9540 Sparrow @ Centerport.
jack cottone: 9876 Young Mute Swan Cygnet doing it first stretch @ Connetquot River.
jack cottone: 9601 Great Egret flyby @ Connetquot River.
Valter Jacinto | Portugal: Vespa // Chalcidid Wasp (Chalcis sispes)
jack cottone: 004_4 Delaware River near Hawks Nest Restaurant in the trees on the right.
jack cottone: 003_3 Delaware River from the Hawks Nest Restaurant.
Valter Jacinto | Portugal: Bullwort (Ammi majus)
jack cottone: 9540 Rabbit in my back yard.
jack cottone: Turtle on my patio?? Needs a name!
jack cottone: 9466 Osprey @ Connetquot River #3.