Orland Park Birdie Girl: Red Admiral (Vanessa atalanta)
Hugo von Schreck: Zitronenfalter (Gonepteryx rhamni)
Hugo von Schreck: Butterfly
Richard Forensky: Ulu Temburong National Park, Brunei, on the island of Borneo (2016)
Richard Forensky: Ulu Temburong National Park, Brunei, on the island of Borneo (2016)
Hugo von Schreck: Butterfly
Teruhide Tomori: Striped blue crow
Teruhide Tomori: Ceylon blue glassy tiger
Hugo von Schreck: Bläuling
Bryan J. Smith: Long-tailedSkipper 4764
Hugo von Schreck: Wollschweber
Hugo von Schreck: Butterfly
Hugo von Schreck: Volucella pellucens - Gemeine Waldschwebfliege
Hugo von Schreck: Butterfly
Hugo von Schreck: Butterfly
Hugo von Schreck: C-Falter (Polygonia c-album)
Teruhide Tomori: Paper kite butterfly
Hugo von Schreck: Schwalbenschwanz (Papilio machaon)
Orland Park Birdie Girl: "Say Hello to My Little Friend." (Platycryptus undatus, male.)
Orland Park Birdie Girl: "Say Hello to My Little Friend." (Platycryptus undatus, male.)
Orland Park Birdie Girl: Peony Bud Attended by Ants Collecting the Sweet Sap. (Spring Garden Series)
Hugo von Schreck: Hummingbird Hawk-moth
Hugo von Schreck: Spiders Meal
Hugo von Schreck: Butterfly
Hugo von Schreck: Bläulinge
Orland Park Birdie Girl: "Working the Nightshift" (Scutigera coleoptrata)
nadiamarilindelfino: mariposa bella....
Teruhide Tomori: Common mormon