Jocarlo: Plant (Macro)
denis.metzlaff: Agripine
Dicksy93: Tabac d'Espagne (Argynnis paphia) sur bétoine officinale
Jocarlo: Plant (Macro)
Dicksy93: Caloptéryx éclatant ♀ (Calopteryx splendens) sur feuille de ginkgo biloba.
Giancarlo Mannetta: Green grasshopper on coneflower
Giancarlo Mannetta: Green grasshopper
Dicksy93: Volucelle transparente (Volucella pelluscens) sur eupatoire
kathy koch: Wedding Celebration
Jocarlo: Plant (Macro)
Dicksy93: Cyclosa ou Epeire angulaire (Araneus angulatus) - Araignée à bosses
Jocarlo: Insect (Macro)
__Judith__: Common blue
Jocarlo: Mushroom (Macro)
LZ.2000: 20240802_Pilz_Stack30_F215371
LZ.2000: 20240617_Fehmarn_C614393
Jocarlo: Insect (Macro)
avempace2: IMG_0142
Jocarlo: Plant (Macro)
__Judith__: The Speckled bush-cricket
kathy koch: Shades of Blue
Jocarlo: Mushroom (Macro)
Jocarlo: Plant , Insect (Macro)
Jocarlo: Insect (Macro)
Seppi49: Ackerhummel an Lavendel/Field bumblebee on lavender
Jocarlo: Plant (Macro)
avempace2: IMG_0349
__Judith__: Drop shot