Lord.of.the.Flames: Caught In The Crossfire
Tanny Tans: PRFFFFTAHAHAHAAA fscghfdsyt my entry 😂😂😂😂
FANTXTIK: CONTEST RESULTS (Reasons/Prize Reminders in desc.)
FANTXTIK: Sci-Fi Sona Contest is now closed! Results should be out very soon :)
LegoLyman: Sci-Fi Me! (Contest Entry)
Lord.of.the.Flames: 2nd Entry.
Lord.of.the.Flames: Me Si-Fi-afied!
(((JOE))): FLOAT.
FANTXTIK: Only about 9 days left to get those scifi-sona contest entries in! (Rules in desc. if you forgot them)
Quickblade22: Sci-Fi me & lil buddy - for Fant's Sci-Fi contest
Caaji: Myth Clan-Sci-Fi Contest Entry
jv1172: Fant sci fi contest entry
Johnathan Crane (Mystic): Fant Sci-fi Contest Entry | Forrest
FANTXTIK: Dont forget that my Sci-fi Sona Contest is open until July 1st. Only a little over a month left! (details reposted in description)
MuffenDragon/limnlyana: My Friend Cousin Thing
-InsomniCat-: Teaser, Entry, and Happy May the 4th
JokerGamezz: Sci-Fi me for Fant's contest!
FANTXTIK: Fant's Sci-Fi Persona Contest!