JZ Pixel: Carry Xmas Joy To The New Year!
Paul J Whaley: Christmas Tree
Renald Bourque: Christmas Night
Paul J Whaley: Merry Christmas
Paul J Whaley: Enchanted Forest
Paul J Whaley: Christmas Lights
Dr Tao: Socrat: "Live in order to eat or eat in order to live?"
John Suler's PhotoPsychology: Christmas Tree Bulb
kersus: hojas
kersus: To everyone in Flickr: Merry Christmas!
aka Buddy: Red Bank, New Jersey, USA, North America, OfficeGeek
Dr Tao: Happy NEW YEAR! And... Never Mind!
JZ Pixel: A Special Xmas Tree For You!
JZ Pixel: Xmas Eve. Party
JZ Pixel: Wonderful Land of Lights!
JZ Pixel: Lost Deer Found His Way ...
John Suler's PhotoPsychology: The Vortex of Christmas
JZ Pixel: It's Time To Light Up!
JZ Pixel: A Lost Deer of Santa