broken_images: anger and heartbreak at a march for palestine in washington d.c. on nakba73
joelschalit: The myth of American superiority. Tel Aviv, August 2017.
joelschalit: Ideal and real Israel. Tel Aviv, August 2017.
Thijs de Zeeuw: We can't live
Thijs de Zeeuw: Shalom Aleichem
joelschalit: Rubbing it in. Ben Gurion Airport departures, February 2017.
joelschalit: No pacification program here. Brussels, August 2014.
joelschalit: Multicultural Germany. Al-Quds Day, August 2013.
fede.carrillo: Leila Khaled
joelschalit: "I don't care," with Palestinian flag. Tempelhof anti-racism demo, March 2016.
joelschalit: Jews only became white in the 20th century. Ben Gurion Airport, February 2016.
mahdavi12 (mahdi): Gaza & Medias
Alejandra H. Covarrubias: Gladio:The Pentagons-Nazi-Mafia. Terror Axis
Farah Filasteen: End The Siege Now
Cecilia...: HAITI: NWO goverments: lies, deception, deceit, poverty, genocide.
666isMONEY ☮ ♥ & ☠: Rachel vs Neda
StephLaw: IMG_0296
StephLaw: IMG_0164
StephLaw: IMG_0059
StephLaw: IMG_0284
StephLaw: IMG_0106
StephLaw: IMG_0068
~ Magne: 1. mai i Bergen
Cecilia...: Israel
~ Magne: Banksy graffiti on the apartheid wall
Cecilia...: This "one's for you" , Jonas
Farah Filasteen: Deir Yassin