charlie4881: nam june paik
charlie4881: nam june paik
sophoryth: 239CNN
sophoryth: 243TV
horst castrop: 2016-01-23 10.16.10
horst castrop: 2016-01-23 10.16.30
horst castrop: 2016-01-23 10.16.40
horst castrop: 20150404_111230
horst castrop: 20150404_111218
horst castrop: 20150404_111224
horst castrop: 20140716_130504
R i c h . P h o t o: u n p l u g g e d . 🔌
charlie4881: dead tv
Eric van Wijk: Vintage Televisions
DCS-Photography: DSCF5222
Wilga Vagabondgirl: Behind the Desk
Wilga Vagabondgirl: The Piper at the Gates of Electricity
Wilga Vagabondgirl: Green Carpet
Wilga Vagabondgirl: Closed Wall
Renaud49: Le squat de Moulinsart
Szydlak Szk: deaf to our prayers
Florian M. (Roest & Stof Urbex): Abandoned greenhouse
Wilga Vagabondgirl: Seeker Armada
DCS-Photography: Christmas tree cottage
DCS-Photography: Creepy, dark room
squishesound: 3D Patients Only
earthdog: Trash TV
Wilga Vagabondgirl: Castle Wherever