Rainer Hamburg: Little flowers
fiLLintheblankz: Sometimes Ahead
Earl of Klüt II.: A walk in the rain.
Chat Malicieux: DSCN6749
Earl of Klüt II.: Coffee to go.
Earl of Klüt II.: Wochenmarkt
Earl of Klüt II.: Bus station.
Earl of Klüt II.: Stormy (2)
Earl of Klüt II.: Spiegelungen
Earl of Klüt II.: Da wo das Bächlein fliest.
Earl of Klüt II.: People in the city.
Earl of Klüt II.: Schnittblumen waren aus.
Earl of Klüt II.: People in the city.
Chat Malicieux: DSCN1302
HeLeHo: Traces of light
MaikeA: Anthurium red
HeLeHo: Splitting
Earl of Klüt II.: Herforder Straße
HeLeHo: Garden view
Ulla M.: Wasserspender
Earl of Klüt II.: Lichtgestalten
HeLeHo: Passing the white
Ulla M.: windbewegt