rubenb.hardwick: Elegance
rubenb.hardwick: Summer Is Over
rubenb.hardwick: Babaye Fit
rubenb.hardwick: Lit Overpass
rubenb.hardwick: Seeking ...
rubenb.hardwick: Pink Leather
Traveling Space: Crossing lines
Traveling Space: Male robot
damianrazziniphoto: Sesión Moda con diseños de Crochetmestres: Diseñador: Josep Mestres Modelo: Carla Masip Gimeno Maquilladora: Cristina Viana Carmona Fotógrafo: Damián Razzini @carlamasipgimeno #moda #fashion #fashionmagazine #editorial #fashionphotography #fashionbarcel
damianrazziniphoto: Moda_damián_razzini_moda03_23012016_90
damianrazziniphoto: Moda_damián_razzini_moda04_06022017__DSC4822_9_DRlogo
diannephotography: DIZENCIO // 2017
michasekdzi: Carne in Colombia....
michasekdzi: No need to pay rent or go to work,objective for the day get food and then get some more...... #fuckthesystem #9to5 #workweek #everyday #system #squirrel #animal #animalplanet #manhattan #park#sunrise#foodchain #hunger #hungergames #everydaygrind#grind#mo
diannephotography: FRÉDERIQUE