lozbooth: IMG_0367BNW3
lozbooth: IMG_0367
lozbooth: IMG_0351
lozbooth: IMG_0349
Aliceblueblazes: jacaranda sky
kyongaroo: carriageworks lot
Aliceblueblazes: wisteria squiggle
Beatie: Wilson St Newtown
Beatie: Wilson St Newtown
Beatie: Wilson St Newtown
Beatie: Wilson St Newtown
Aliceblueblazes: red curtain over Georgina
Aliceblueblazes: Cooper's Terrace
Aliceblueblazes: loving the old mill while i can
Aliceblueblazes: wall. wires. shadows.
Aliceblueblazes: wheat and wires
Aliceblueblazes: lorakeet in flight (look, ma!)
kyongaroo: carriageworks
kyongaroo: pink wall
kyongaroo: wall canvas
Aliceblueblazes: abandoned sunflowers
Aliceblueblazes: cloud hook
Aliceblueblazes: should have used sunscreen
Aliceblueblazes: succulent
baddogwhiskas: GRAFFITI_REDFERN_0207_6790
baddogwhiskas: GRAFFITI_REDFERN_0207_6789
baddogwhiskas: GRAFFITI_REDFERN_0207_6791