joeba32: “Where the nights are as vibrant as the lights.”
joeba32: Duomo di S. Michele Arcangelo. Caserta
joeba32: Manifest your numbers and get that win.
joeba32: sit still and trust the engineer.
joeba32: “The camera is an instrument that teaches people how to see without a camera.” – DL
joeba32: ‘If you can smell the street by looking at the photo, it’s a street photograph.’ BG
joeba32: La Versailles del Napoletano
joeba32: Di tutte le manifestazioni di vita il ritmo è la più essenziale.
joeba32: "Pop, fizz, clink."
joeba32: Impossibly charming hunting lodge on a tiny island on the lake.
joeba32: And if you ever need self-validation, Just meet me in the alley.
joeba32: La bellezza è il nome di qualcosa che non esiste
joeba32: Don't ever take a shower with a woman, because you'll probably end up proposing to her.
joeba32: Baia
joeba32: La Chiesa un tempo assolveva i peccatori, oggi ha deciso di assolvere i peccati.
joeba32: Keep right and take the gate “Porto
joeba32: “Non le ho detto niente. La guardavo e m'innamoravo.” MT
joeba32: “The magic of the street is the mingling of the errand and the epiphany.” RS
joeba32: Miseno-
joeba32: “I’m the captain of this ship, and I have my wife’s permission to say so.”
joeba32: Bacoli
joeba32: Procida, isola dell’anima
joeba32: Si stava meglio, quando mi bastava trovare l’acqua scavando una buca in spiaggia.
joeba32: Le barche a motore vanno a gonfie vele anche senza vento
joeba32: “When life gives you twists and turns, chique yourself up in Italy!”
joeba32: Procida, la "meno in", più rustica ed autentica.
joeba32: Ce ne stiamo qui, io e te. Come panni stesi al sole.
xbacksteinx: Underexposed
joeba32: Assunzione della Vergine - Palazzo Pitti
joeba32: "Florence is magical!"