Tim Blessed: England: Cumbria - Across Windermere
SIngraham: Sunset Cliffs, Point Lomas
LesleyON: Pyramid Lake Reflection
Tim Blessed: England: Cumbria - Scandale Peaks
Tim Blessed: England, Bedfordshire: Grand Sky Day
tolis*: Part of my world..
R.Duran: Playa de Barro - HDR
Jim Vail Photos: "Oops! I Made Her Mad!!" (She swooped down toward me!)
forested_streams / David: 2008-05-26 0385 Memorial Day Rainbow
Jim Vail Photos: "Only Intimacy with Jesus Christ can bring true inner Peace and Tranquility!!"
Chase Images: Remnants
SIngraham: Red-shouldered Hawk
Beckie Fitzgerald: GLORIOUS Sunset
Beckie Fitzgerald: I Don't Make This Stuff Up!
rypsky: tollie view
Dean Martin (Thirdeyepics): Frozen Shoreline
~Mary: And the two shall become one
honey 77: Holy, holy, holy is the Lord God Almighty...
Sally Ingraham: And They're Off!
SIngraham: Waiting for the Sun
Tim Blessed: England: Bedfordshire Wetlands. Autumn Pond
Sally Ingraham: Sunrise Light
Just Us 3: Millions of Years' Work 2
job_earth: respect for Earth
Just Us 3: Farrington Drop HDR
SIngraham: Malachite