BlackBear Photography: Disney otters
nicolebeaulac: Red Crossbill
nicolebeaulac: Purple Martins nest building
BlackBear Photography: Coastal black bear enjoying a red rock crab
nicolebeaulac: Tree Swallow
BlackBear Photography: Orca on the doorstep
nicolebeaulac: Chestnut-backed Chickadee
nicolebeaulac: Lesser Yellowlegs
nicolebeaulac: Rufous Hummingbird
nicolebeaulac: Rufous Hummingbird
nicolebeaulac: Dunlin
nicolebeaulac: Dunlin in breeding plumage
BlackBear Photography: Landscape meets dog portrait
BlackBear Photography: A beautiful moment
BlackBear Photography: The Eagle has landed!
nicolebeaulac: Northern Shoveler
nicolebeaulac: Anna's Hummingbird
nicolebeaulac: Anna's Hummingbird
nicolebeaulac: Anna's Hummingbird
nicolebeaulac: Anna's Hummingbird
nicolebeaulac: Pileated Woodpecker
nicolebeaulac: Greater Yellowlegs
nicolebeaulac: Greater Yellowlegs
nicolebeaulac: Snow Goose
nicolebeaulac: Northern Shrike
nicolebeaulac: Merlin