♔ Georgie R: Knitted hat 235-365 (15-5349)
♔ Georgie R: Straw hat 116-365 (15-5230)
♔ Georgie R: A lovely morning 88-365 (15-5202)
♔ Georgie R: Straw hat 177*365 (3*908)
♔ Georgie R: Berlitz cap 32-365 (15-5146)
♔ Georgie R: New hat 126-366 (13-4510)
eshopsway: Stetson Men's Alamo Hat buy in low price at www.eshopsway.com/compare-price/products/995753/stetson-men-s-alamo-hat.html
muffett68 ☺ heidi ☺: despite the hoopla about deflate-gate, deborah steadfastly stands by her team
*M-C1*: Saturday January 3rd, 2015 We had snow....for about an hour.
The Goat Whisperer: Silver Comet Trail
The Goat Whisperer: 22 Noshember
Life Imperfect: 297:365 - Hat Day!
muffett68 ☺ heidi ☺: it's not over.......
Pahz: 254 of 365 part 5: Shooting in hats!
ruthlesscrab: 298/365 Ram Tough, Wolf Cub Cute
♔ Georgie R: 188-365 (Year 8) The Photographer
The Goat Whisperer: Fall Line Trace
The Goat Whisperer: Another Century Down
The Goat Whisperer: Metric Century
The Goat Whisperer: Watering the Bamboo Forest
The Goat Whisperer: Fixer Upper
The Goat Whisperer: All Smiles
The Goat Whisperer: Chewacla State Park
The Goat Whisperer: Autumn Ride